Saturday, July 9, 2011

We Have Landed

Pre-Departure Jam Session at LAX

So we are here, in the land of milk and honey, we are staying in Givat Haviva, the location of the North American Kennes and the Congress and it is awesome!  We have met all the other JC's and they are all excellent leaders and all very unique.  They don't even have too many stereotypical aspects about them so no worries there.  We have discussed everything from concerns to praises and we are preparing for the arrival of our common enemy, the North American Fellows.  It is a battleground of respect and obediance, but I feel prepared for the storm they will surely bring to Israel.  Of course this last part was mostly in jest but since most of my fellows will not even check this blog anyway (and only one has even posted) i don't think i'll get in too much trouble.  Tomorrow we meet the Israel JC's and Tzama (who create the Congress) and i am interested to see how/if the two groups mesh well with us Americans.  I am looking forward to seeing all my fellows very soon, and possibly even some friends from last year!  Have a great 15 hour flight, and i will see you on the other side North Americans!

Our pile of luggage - do you think we brought enough?


  1. So glad you posted, but don't forget to sign your posts! Looking forward to hearing more, Thanks! Rachel Sisk

  2. Looking forward to hearing and seeing what you all are doing! Have the best time! Glad you all arrived safely! :) Renee G
